Thursday, July 12, 2012

Neighborbood Watch(dog)

Here's our friendly neighborbood watchdog...

We recently discovered that his name is Bear, though he's always been Big Giant to all of us. Giant is the sweetest, gentlest dog I know.... great with the kids, watches over the animals and wouldn't hurt a fly. He was especially attentive to the goats when they were nearing kidding time, and for a while after would spend a lot of his time lying near their gate, just watching.

Bear is a one year old Great Pyranees, and belongs to a sheepfarm back behind us a bit, but according to his owners, he takes more vacations than he works. He checks in with us nearly daily, just to see how things are going, and I imagine, just to say "Hi."

1 comment:

  1. my beloved Giant always watched out for me....I love him...he now has love for a home


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