Thursday, July 19, 2012

Morning Surprise

This little ball of fluff fell out of the loft after apparently hatching up there this morning or last night. I always *knew* this would happen at some point, as the chickens continuously insist on laying their eggs WAY up there where no one can take them.

Baby seems to be perfectly healthy, and now that momma hen has figured out where her baby went, all is well. I'm just not sure if there are more that are hatching up there or not. I sent my almost 7-year-old up into the loft this morning to survey the situation, as my giant pregant self is a bit too nervous to climb that ladder... and he said there is a nest with some eggs in it and there are some cracks in the eggs. So, when Handy Husband comes home from work
I'll see if he can get up there and take a look.
I'd hate to have more babies hatch and then just die because they're way up there and alone. 

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