Thursday, August 23, 2012

All the Pretty Horses

I know it's been a while since I posted anything new about the horses. Well, tonight at feeding-time I took the camera out with me. The lighting was beautiful, and the subjects make it awfully easy to take too many pictures. Here are just a few:
Here they are, waiting for me at the gate. They see me come out of the house, and come to the gate
whether it's feeding time or not, always hoping for treats, or attention, or both.
Zander is always the first one to greet me. He's also the first to get fed. He's the alpha horse in this 2-horse herd. And that explains why he's also the fattest.
The sky was lovely, with the soft hues of the oncoming sunset and the little moon, high up in the sky.

The horses' attention was drawn by the neighbors Paint mare, who had escaped her pasture to come and visit us on the other side of our fence. Right after I took the above two pictures, Zander and Zorro took off running to greet her....
and then they promptly turned back and came running for their food.
These guys just don't miss any meals.

Here they are, happily eating away, while the chickens circle like vultures, waiting for any morsel to drop to the ground. They usually end up pretty disappointed, as the horses do a good job of cleaning their plates.

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