Sunday, January 7, 2018

Tragedy Has Struck Twelve Acres

In the late night hours of Christmas Eve, as our family was watching our annual traditional Christmas movies, a fire started in the attic next to the stove pipe. It quickly roared its way through the attics of all three floors, and virtually destroyed the 10 year olds bedroom, our "attic storage room" and many other areas. What wasn't destroyed by fire was destroyed by the water from the fire fighters. 

We are so thankful that we were still awake and were able to detect the fire shortly after it started. We got all the kids and most of the animals out safely. Unfortunately, our son's pet turtle was tragically lost in the fire, as well as our two goldfish. 

The thought of our home being so damaged and now unlivable is almost too much for me to bear. While the "bones" of the home are still good, the entire roof will need to be removed and a new roof put on. All of the electrical will have to be replaced, as well as any Sheetrock, carpet and paint as well. I know we can save our home, but we will have a very long and hard road ahead of us before we can come back home. It breaks my heart seeing all our hard work over the years go up in smoke. Literally. 

Here are some pictures of the devastation: 

If you are willing or able to help my family in even the smallest way, please consider donating to one of the fundraisers that have been set up on our behalf: 

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