Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Additions to the Henhouse

Our poor hens are outnumbered. Severely.

In fact, it's so bad, that the roosters don't even bother fighting each other over the hens anymore.... they just all take turns on them. One after another. And we've had hens come close to death because of it.

The last straw was seeing the roosters take out their pent-up frustration on a fellow rooster- taking turns on him, just like they would on a hen. It absolutely disgusted me!

So, we called in some reserves: sixteen young hens. Not nearly enough yet to satisfy all the roosters, but hopefully it will relieve the older hens a bit from the constant torture.


  1. Aww they're WHITE chickens - that's an interesting change!

  2. Hey it WORKED! This is Karen BTW, hahaha

  3. Yes, we've never had this kind of chicken before. So far I've noticed they're actually really friendly, easy-going, hens... though they do tend to go further out into the back pasture than I'd like to see. Glad you were able to comment!


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