Thursday, March 8, 2012

Belated Baby Face/Critter of the Week

I am running behind this week so I'm combining Baby Face Tuesday with Critter of the Week and posting them both a day late.

This week we're honoring Lucky, our purebred Nubian doe, born February 8th, 2009. Lucky was the only surviving kid out of triplets. Her mother, Princess, had difficulty birthing due to the first kid being mal-presented. All three kids were pulled, but only the tiniest one of the three, Lucky, was alive. She weighed a mere 4 1/2 pounds.

Due to the traumatic birth, Princess rejected Lucky, and raising her became our responsibility.
She was such a joy to care for!

With it being early February, and having no mother to snuggle with in the cold, Lucky spent the first weeks of her life living in the house with us. We would take her outside on nice days as often as we could so she could socialize with the other goats.

Having a goat in the house sure was a fun experience and she gave us SO many photo ops!

Here's a video of one of Lucky's romps with her half-brother Willy:

But as the weather became milder and she grew more self-sufficient, her time spent outdoors with the herd became more frequent and for longer lengths of time, until she was no longer coming inside at all.
Here she is, above, at four months old, and below, here she is now (sorry about the bad picture quality- my camera thought I was taking pictures of the thorny twig, instead of the goats!).

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