Monday, February 20, 2012

Homemade Incubator

My Handy Husband designed and built our homemade incubator and it has worked great!

He built it using recycled 2x4s and wood paneling, added 2 normal lights for heat, and we put an old window pane over the top that can be vented to let extra heat out. The eggs sit on an old window screen that is held off the floor by the 2x4 frame. Beneath the eggs is a bowl of water, to add the necessary moisture needed for growing and hatching healthy babies. By no means was this incubator scientifically built, but I think we did a pretty good job of it!

Watching and waiting for signs of life within the eggs gave the family HOURS of entertainment. My spa room served as a temporary storage room, incubating room and, later, the brooder.

And after 21 days of waiting.... life emerged!

Our initial hatching resulted in ten out of twelve aggs hatching successfully. It amazes me SO much to watch these tiny, fragile little creatures hatch completely by themselves with no outside help whatsoever. To see how they are acting entirely on instinct and just KNOW when, where and how to crack that egg open from the inside is just miraculous.

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