Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Boy and His Tractor

Now 18 months old, Baby W loves to spend as much time outside as he can. He's always been a lover of the outdoors, but now he thinks he should be able to go outside whenever he wants and will try to open the front door. It's a good thing he hasn't figured out how to open it yet.

Feeding the Kids

Baby W loves giving the goats some cut branches and pulled weeds.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Workout Buddies

All the boys love to "workout" with Handy Husband.

Baby W's First Camping Trip

Our first camping trip of the season was also Baby W's first camping trip ever. It would have been a fun time, but it had to be cut short due to an emergency at home. It turned out to be a blessing though, as it poured down rain the following morning and our tent doesn't have a rain fly.

Airing out the tent a couple of days prior to going to the lake. This is our old tent that we haven't used in years, so we were worried about spiders. Thankfully, there were none.
We camped at a state park just a few miles down the road from us. Our campsite was right on the lake. It was beautiful.

Furry Friday

Here we have Nala and Jasmine, who just can't seem to decide if they like each other.