Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Surprise!

During our routine hay feeding this afternoon, we happened to notice Hope (one of the kids from last summer), had a bloody discharge. Upon closer look, we then were shocked to see she had a large udder. As my eyes glanced over the pasture, I immediately saw a little black and white lump lying in the middle of the pasture.
And there we found a tiny newborn doeling. I was completely shocked, because as far as we know, Billy hadn't had access to any of the does, and Hope never even showed any obvious signs of being pregnant. Hope and baby Bunny are doing just fine. She is a tiny little thing, weighing just 5 pounds, and is nursing well.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cleanup Nearly Complete

The chicken house cleanup is nearing completion. Handy Husband has been putting in many, many hours out there... digging holes, burning wood, hauling metal to recycling. It's been a huge project and we can't wait to see the end if it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Girls' Rooms Makeover

Along with getting the girls closets finished, we also began painting their rooms. The girls did a pretty good job, considering this was their first time.

We also got one, final view of the original wallpaper before it was all gone for good.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kitchen Ceiling Repainted

We brightened up the kitchen by giving the ceiling a quick cover-up. Even though I loved the way the old, smoke stained ceiling looked, it really needed a new, cleaner, look.

Around the upper cabinets we could see the old paint colors, including a really dark one. It's so interesting seeing how rooms were painted or decorated in past years.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Closet Progress

After over a year we finally made some major progress on the girls closets. All the sheetrock is now up and we can begin the finishing out processes. They're looking good!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fired up the Grill

We thoroughly enjoyed the near 80 degree temperatures yesterday by getting our firepit up and running again. The boys did a great job of rebuilding it and they helped Handy Husband get the fire going. We had BBQ pork ribs for our one and only non-vegetarian meal of the week, along with baked beans and potato salad. It was delicious!

Friday, March 15, 2013


We've decided to expand our rabbit operation. Currently our rabbit numbers have dwindled down to a measly ONE doe. Our buck, Mocha, died of natural causes this past January, leaving Isabel all alone. We have plans to rearrange/redo the pens and get at least one more doe and buck.

Here's Isabel, who for some reason is making a nest. She's definitely not pregnant, but I don't have the heart to break the news to her.

Boys and Trees

There is something seemingly magnetic between boys and trees. I love watching them play outside whether they're digging in the dirt, building makeshift forts, or climbing trees. They're enjoying nature's playground, and its the most natural thing in the world.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Porch Swinging

What perfect weather we had today! It was right at 70 degrees this afternoon, so I parked Baby W in his swing on the porch while our two daughters and I did some yard pickup. I'm so glad that spring is just around the corner!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Baby W is 3 Months Old!

Sweet Baby W is already 3 months old! I am amazed at how fast he's growing. He certainly wants to be a big boy- always wanting to sit up or try to stand. He's wearing 6-9 months clothing, is 18 pounds and 26 1/2 inches long. He is still a super sweetheart but occasionally has some grumpiness with his sore gums.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Weeping Willows

After the grasshopper swarms killed many of our young trees last year, we thought these more mature trees might fare a bit better if the swarms come back again this year.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dirty Fun

The boys have been having so much fun playing in a pile of dirt. They sure do find the best ways to entertain themselves!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring is in the Air

One of our hens appears to be going broody. Oldest daughter discovered her hiding in a dark corner of the horse barn. Hopefully it's not too cold and she successfully hatches some chicks. She's setting on about 10 eggs.